About the event :
As per World Health Organization, the number of lives lost in India in road accidents is nearly 150,000 yearly. Of these, around 50% of them are caused by two-wheelers accidents. This is because, in R10 (India, South Asia), a two-wheeler costs less than 1000 USD and is necessary for everyday earnings and daily activities rather than being a luxury vehicle for biking. Being a thin-profile vehicle, the inherent safety mechanisms in two-wheelers are significantly less. Also, being cost-sensitive, computationally extensive devices such as GPUs cannot be installed in two-wheelers. Given the chaotic/less-disciplined traffic on the roads, ensuring two-wheeler safety in the increasing traffic scenario is extremely important. Safety is a primary mission that must be addressed at any stage. Therefore, this tutorial promotes two-wheeler safety in developing countries (especially R10). This includes demonstrating technical features, identifying research challenges, and bringing social awareness about its importance in society.
Speakers :
Prof. Mehul S Raval (Chair, Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Cluster, Ahmedabad University, Gujarat)
Dr. Maryam Kaveshgar (Member, Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Cluster, Ahmedabad University, Gujarat)
Mazad Zaveri (Cochair, Intelligent Transportation Systems Research Cluster, Ahmedabad University, Gujarat)
Dr. Hrishikesh Venkataraman (Head, Smart Transportation Research Group, IIIT Sri City, AP)